Looking Forward to 2023!
With our new Strategic Plan, we are moving into our next chapter. There is an opportunity for the T&AAC to refocus and grow. Our vision: Enriching the cultural life of the community through the arts. We will:
- Foster connections with and between artists and the community
- Produce, promote, and support arts experiences
- Collaborate to raise awareness of the arts
- Encourage participation of all in the arts
We have been reaching out to local arts organizations about how we might provide support and work together, and will continue to do so over the winter. Let us know if you have suggestions in this regard!
Art in the Park has been scheduled for Saturday August 5, 2023 – so ‘mark your calendars’. Please help us build our website’s Artist Gallery: profile your work, tell the audience about you and your creative expertise, and connect with others. All genres and levels of experience are welcome. Use the form on the site to submit your information – it is all free! The site also features an event calendar – so let us know about your arts-related events.