Queensborough Movie Night: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
After a hiatus during 2024, Queensborough Movie Night (QMN) is back! 6:30 pm, 2nd Saturday of each month, starting Sat. January 11/25: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988). Trailer: https://youtu.be/O0p9W47frhI
Synopsis: “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is a 1988 fantasy adventure film co-written and directed by Terry Gilliam, starring John Neville, Eric Idle, Sarah Polley, Oliver Reed, Uma Thurman, Jonathan Pryce and Valentina Cortese. An international co-production of the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany, the film is based on the tall tales of the 18th-century German nobleman, Baron Munchausen, and his wartime exploits against the Ottoman Empire.”
Cost: “Pay-as-you-exit” – a voluntary charitable DONATION to help defray costs of licensing, etc.
Contact: info@queensboroughmovienights.ca
When: January 11, 2025
Where: Queensborough Community Centre
1853, Queensborough Road, Madoc, Ontario, K0K 2K0, Canada
Time: 6:30 pm