Evan Morton: The ‘Unsung Hero’ of Tweed

On August 3, Tweed lost Evan Morton, story-teller, historian, long-time curator of the Tweed and Area Heritage Centre. The following ‘Cultivating Creativity’ column in the Belleville Intelligencer by Ardith Racey originally appeared in the Spring 2023 Edition of the Quinte Arts Council’s Umbrella magazine and is reproduced here with their permission:

This article is dedicated to the memory of Evan Morton Aug. 3, 1941 – Aug. 3, 2023.

Curators, just like artists, are storytellers. Evan Morton, curator of the Tweed Heritage Centre, has been collecting local art, artifacts, family and business histories, memorabilia, and heirlooms for almost fifty years.

The collection is eclectic and extensive – inside the Centre there are rooms brimming with antiques, filing cabinets and shelves packed with written histories, village assessments, cemetery, birth, and marriage records dating back to 1891, recent artisanal works, and more than 200 paintings by local artists. Much of this has been donated over the years, and Morton has been its caregiver…

Continue reading Intelligencer article here: https://quinteartscouncil.org/the-unsung-hero-of-tweed/

Or view the P.30-31 of the complete Umbrella magazine for the original article:

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