April Updates
2022 Membership
As a charitable, non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers, both memberships and donations are essential to our success; charitable tax receipts are issued for both.
Membership Has its Benefits…
- Showing tangible support for arts and culture … a vibrant arts scene benefits people of all ages in our community, and attracts new residents and visitors
- Helping to bring ‘Art in the Park’ and great shows by local, regional, national and international performers to be enjoyed by local residents and visitors to the area
- Receiving our periodic electronic newsletters and e-mail updates on upcoming events and performances
- Receiving email news from organizations T&AAC is a member of (e.g., Quinte Arts Council, Tweed & Area Chamber of Commerce)
- Supporting the Arts Council as a voice for culture in our area!
Membership: Student $15 Individual $25 Family $40 Business $40
You have two options:
- Mail a cheque payable to the Tweed & Area Arts Council, Box 359, Tweed ON, K0K 3J0, and receive a receipt by return mail.
- Go to Tweed & Area Arts Council | Charity Profile | Donate Online | Canadahelps , and enter the relevant amount in the ‘Donation Amount’ field. Under ‘Apply your donation to a fund set up by this charity’, select ‘Membership’ and submit; you will receive a receipt within moments.
T&AAC Presents…

Long Range Hustle May 6
Long Range Hustle is coming back home, having just released their new LP ‘I am alive, but only if you say I am’ and are ready to bring these songs to life on stage! They will be in Tweed to play at the MAC with new friends, indie/art-rock group All Poets and Heroes on May 6th. We are excited to present this show in partnership with Tweed & Company Theatre. Tickets are $30 for adults, $20 for students Long Range Hustle | Marble Arts Centre (square.site).
Art in the Park/Fish Fry July 30

We are pleased to bring ‘Art in the Park‘ and our world-famous fish fry back in 2022! Did you know that this is the 40th anniversary of ‘Art in the Park’? Admission is free, and the event runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.:
- Variety of Arts & Crafts
- Children’s Art Area
- Live Music
Contact Bonnie Marentette for more information (613 478 1777 or bmaren@hotmail.com).
The Fish Fry by Mike Mundell will be offered from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at $15/ticket, available starting May 2 at the Tweed News or Frost House. Note that you must select a ½-hour window for pickup time when you get your tickets to avoid congestion. Tickets may be available ‘day of’ at the event; get yours early to avoid disappointment!
Daniel Champagne October 6

The young Australian virtuoso recently described as ‘the finest guitar player of this generation’ brings his Canadian tour to Tweed for an intimate evening at the MAC…We were keen to bring Daniel Champagne here after first seeing him in 2019; his show was then rescheduled several times due to the pandemic! Tickets are $25: https://marble-arts-centre.square.site/daniel-champagne. “The word Prodigy seems to entirely fall short of this soft-spoken young man’s skills, he coaxes sounds and melodies out of his instrument that literally drop jaws.” (The Calgary Herald); “Daniel Champagne exudes a natural ease on stage, as he sings poignant lyrics and beautifully crafted melodies that invariably whisk the heart up with grand romanticism. Coupled with an exhilarating guitar talent that transcends mere acoustic playing to replicate a whole band, Champagne is just magical” (Themusic.com.au, Australia).
Implementing Our New Strategic Plan
We announced our new Strategic Plan in February, and are moving into our next chapter. The recent transfer of the Marble Arts Centre to Tweed & Company Theatre is an opportunity for the T&AAC to refocus and grow. We are grateful to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for funding to develop the Strategic Plan, create a new website (coming in May 2022) and a marketing plan. Highlights of the Strategic Plan that will guide T&AAC into our next chapter:
Our Vision
Enriching the cultural life of the community through the arts.
What We Do
- Foster connections with and between artists and the community
- Produce, promote, and support arts experiences
- Collaborate to raise awareness of the arts
- Encourage participation of all in the arts
To sustain and grow, we need to continue to engage new volunteers and build capacity to produce, promote, and support the arts. We will be reaching out to the community to recruit those who would like to get involved, in any capacity, large or small – on the Board or a sub-committee, or to contribute any special skills you may have. In the meantime, please email us (contactus@tweedartscouncil.ca) for a copy of the Strategic Plan or to let us know your ideas or how you may wish to be involved.
New Website Coming Soon
We are nearing completion of our new website! To be launched in May, we are particularly excited about the ‘Artist Gallery’ that will profile talented artists of all genres and arts organizations in the Tweed area. The new website will offer a modern, easy-to-navigate design that will bring arts-related resources, news and events to our community.
Tweed & Co at the MAC
Our friends at Tweed & Company Theatre launched their 2022 season with youth theatre camps, and have been adding a number of musical and theatrical events to their calendar for both the MAC and the Village Playhouse in Bancroft. Check it out at LANDING | Tweed & Company Theatre (tweedandcompany.com).
Thank You – And Here’s to 2022!
We look forward to seeing you all in person now that things are opening up. We know everyone is so looking forward to once again enjoying the arts in our community!